Phenomenal Healthcare Australia

At Phenomenal Healthcare Australia, we are dedicated to providing bespoke support work and allied health services that meet your needs. We understand that everyone’s needs are different and unique, and we strive to provide personalised care to each and every one of our patients and participants. With our robust network of skilled allied health professionals all across Australia, we are committed to delivering the highest quality of care.

We are dedicated to preventative health and early intervention

Phenomenal Healthcare Australia acknowledges that health and wellbeing is continuously ongoing and multifaceted. We understand that diseases do not get better overnight. We recognise that the best for of treatment is early intervention – in order to prevent long-term disability. Thus, we adopt a preventative healthcare approach that puts choice and control back into our patients hands, allowing them to take control of their personal and families future.

Our team is dedicated to providing the best quality care that has you and your goals as a focus.

Aged care social worker

Our Support Services

A Modern rehabilitation physiotherapy worker with senior client

Occupational Therapy

People walking


Nutrition and eating food

Nutrition & Dietetics

Allied health assistant helping aged care in gym

Allied Health Assistants

Support worker helping man in wheelchair

Support Work

Family at home

Phenomenal Programs

Group activities at school

Group-based Activities & Programs

Assistance worker cleaning in aged care facility

Asisstance with Daily Life & Activities

Middle aged woman with her daughter in cafe

Social & Community Participation

Assistance worker in aged care facility washing cloths

Assistance with Household Tasks

Travel support worker driving car

Assistance with Travel/Transport

Who We Service

Aged Care Aged Care Facility

Aged Care

Home caregiver dressing senior

Home Care