At Phenomenal Healthcare Australia, we believe that support work is one of the most important services available to our participants

Thus, we make sure that we get it right and ensure that our participants are receiving the best possible care and support within a safe and respectful environment.

Our bespoke support work services are dedicated to providing premium assistance personalised to all clients all across Australia.

Feel confident and control of your life now. Get in touch with us today.

Our robust and multidisciplinary support work team are capable of delivering a wide variety of supports that can help assist you in achieving your personal goals and aspirations.

Support worker pushing man in wheelchair
Support worker cleaning room
Daily Life and Activities

From personal care, learning new skills, assistance with household tasks, meal preparation and transport, Phenomenal Healthcare Australia can assist you with compassionate and empowering support.

  • 7-Day Care
  • Cleaning
  • Showering
  • Meal Preparation
  • Transport
  • Personal Activities
Social & Community Participation

We strive to give you the confidence to connect with others and grow your social circles. We focus creating a safe and respectful space for you to feel comfortable stepping out of your comfort zone. Our activities are designed to entertain and facilitate meaningful connections between you and the wider community. We are with you every step of the way, so that you feel confident and empowered to achieve your goals and aspirations.

Social worker speaking to lady
Support Worker washing clothes

Household Tasks

Your home is your safe space, a space for peace and relaxation. Thus, we can support you in keeping your home cleaner.

Having a tidy and organised home is tough – especially when its makes you feel anxious or causes you to feel physical discomfort.

Phenomenal Healthcare Australia takes this stress away. We will help you with your household tasks. We can teach you simple and effective ways to keep your home clean and well-maintained.

Assistance with Travel/Transport

Take back control with Phenomenal Travel.

It can be difficult and sometimes unsafe to try and get around when you dont feel comfortable or dont have the strength or ability to do so. Travel can also cause a great deal of stress and anxiety. You may not be able to drive and public transport is too far or too challenging to deal with. This is why Phenomenal Healthcare Australia provide the support you need to get around and make the most of your day.

Take back choice and control.

We can provide travel to:

  • Social Events
  • Medical Centres
  • Concerts
  • Shopping Centres
  • Dental Clinics
  • Pickup and Drop-offs
  • Gyms and other Classes
    Much moreā€¦
Support worker driving van